Unearthing Gold at Rock Bottom.

I was prompted a few weeks ago to reflect on the most pivotal moments in my life that have sculpted me into the woman I am today. Yes, there were a few beautiful, positive memories that came to mind- feeling the island breeze streak through my hair along the shores of Thailand at 18- my first taste of freedom. My first yoga practice at age 5 transcending time and space. The magic of falling in love for the first time… but when I really reflect on the moments that have helped me evolve the parts of myself I am most proud of, they haven’t been pretty. They’ve been 5 am’s shaking on the bathroom floor, rattled with anxiety, where I learned to metamorphose guilt into self acceptance. They’ve been heartache so crippling I thought I’d forgotten how to walk- or breathe- where eventually, I learned how to run and fly. They’ve been chapters of depression so dark I learned to find stars even in the longest, coldest of nights- where I’ve learnt empathy and an unwavering trust in light and the goodness of the heart.


There have been rock bottoms I’ve lingered in so long, I decided to search for gold. And I will say- I have never been left empty handed during those excavations- (even if they have been hard core archealogical endeavors and have taken a long ass time. lol.)


There is an ancient yogic teaching that teaches that our souls actively choose to forget the divinity of our true nature so that we have the opportunity to remember again. To have the experience of coming home to ourselves over, and over, and over again. I find comfort in that. That there is a divine purpose behind even our darkest chapters- that they can serve as an opportunity to remember.

I hope that this little piece of writing serves as a reminder that, well, if you’ve been living in a space of feeling like you have “forgotten,” perhaps it is just your soul choosing to- so that you can remember again. So that you have the opportunity to once again awaken to the magic that is your true nature, your presence, your organic state of being.


Roadmap to the Heart.


Why anxiety is our friend and coming home to the heart